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Include Invite-My-Friends to your site for Free*

Increase your user-base while decreases your marketing costs.

On average, internet users have between 30 and 150 contacts in their email address book. The Invite-My-Friends software allows you to directly target these people via Email Invitations.

With the amount of spam in the Internet World today, many users delete emails that are from an 'unknown' user. The beauty of the Invite-My-Friends software is the Email Invitation comes from a friend, relative or acquantance, and is therefore more likely to be read and taken into considerations.

With the average cost-per-click advertising campaigns costing anywhere from $0.05 right up to $50 per click, every email sent via the Invite-My-Friends software has the potention to reach your clients without costing you hundreds of dollars as with the normal 'traditional' means of online advertising.

Many major websites on the Internet today have been using similar software which encourages their users to 'invite' their online friends.

Some of these websites include MySpace, Hi5, Friendster, Bebo and Tagged just to name a few.

Just think. Johnny signs up to your website and emails 100 of his friends, they join up and then refer another 100... it just keeps going and going!

The Invite-My-Friends software is compatible with any website and unlike most websites does not need to be installed. Just copy and paste a line of code into your page and you're ready!

If you want a targeted, low cost yet highly effective means of bringing more traffic to your website then Invite-My-Friends is for you!
* (Includes Banners or Links with each email sent. For a small fee these can be removed.)

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